To translate a full page or a paragraph:
- Ensure the device is in rectangle laser shape mode. [To switch between modes, press the Plus and Minus Buttons simultaneously.]
- Say: "Hey OrCam, translate to {Name of a supported language}"; or double-press the Round Button and say: "Translate to {Name of a supported language}"
- Capture the text you wish to translate, and the device will begin reading the text in the chosen language.
- Once OrCam Learn finishes reading the translated text, you can choose to translate additional text by again capturing it with the rectangle laser.
- To exit the Translation mode, rapidly double-press the Round Button.
To translate a single word:
- Ensure that the device is in arrow laser shape mode. [To switch between modes, press the Plus and Minus Buttons simultaneously.]
- Say: ;"Hey OrCam, translate to {Name of a supported language}" or double-press the Round Button and say: "Translate to {Name of a supported language}".
- Point and click the device at the word you wish to translate, and OrCam Learn will read the translated word out loud.
- You can choose to translate additional words by again pointing the device at another word.
- To exit the Translation mode, rapidly double-press the Round Button.