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"Information" Commands
- “Tell the Time”
- “Tell the Date”
- “Tell the Build” OR "Tell the Version"
- Hear the software version.
- “Tell the Battery Status”
- Hear the battery level and whether your device is currently charging.
- “Tell the Device Serial Number”
- Hear the external and internal ID number of your device.
- “Volume Up” OR "Speak Louder"
- “Volume Down”OR "Speak Softer"
- “Reading Speed Up” OR "Read Faster"
- The device will speak and read at a faster rate
- “Reading Speed Down”/ "Read Slower"
- The device will speak and read at a slower rate.
- “Increase Word Spacing”
- The device will increase the length of time it pauses between each word.
- “Decrease Word Spacing”
- The device will decrease the length of time it pauses between each word.
- "Change Laser Shape"
- The laser will change to either the Arrow/Pointer or the Rectangle/Border.
- “Enter the User Menu”
- Enter the audio settings menu.
- “Change the Voice”
- Change the system and reading voice.
- “Change the Auto Suspend Time"
- Choose the amount of time the device should wait in an idle state before automatically going into Suspend mode.
- “Connect to the Bluetooth Audio Device”
- Start the process to connect to a Bluetooth audio device.
- “Check the Internet Connectivity”
- Hear the status of the device’s connectivity to the internet.
- “Enable the Reading Navigation”
- Enables reading navigation, allowing you to pause, resume, fast forward, and rewind during reading.
- “Disable the Reading Navigation”
- Disables reading navigation.
"Reading Pal" Commands
- "Let's Read"
- Begins a Reading Pal session.
- "I'm Done" OR "I'm Finished"
- Ends the Reading Pal session.
“Reading Comprehension Commands
- “Ask Me” or “Quiz Me”
- Begins a Reading Comprehension session.
Dictionary Commands
- “Hey OrCam, what does it mean”
- Hear the dictionary definition of a word.
Translation Commands
- “Translate to {Name of a supported language}”
- Translates the text from English.